If you have suggestions or want to see something improved, don't hesitate to reach out! Rating is very important to us in establishing trust with our user base. We'd really appreciate if you could rate us 5 stars here on the Chrome Web Store. StayFree is the highest rated screen time & self control app on the Play Store Extremely fast and user-friendly interface Most accurate usage statistics Quick customer support StayFree - Web Analytics & Screen Time Tracker helps you: overcome web addiction stay focused self-control reduce screen time reduce distraction. ★ Block mode: temporarily block any website that you are over-using. ★ Over-use reminder: notify you when you are spending too much time in a website and start your digital detox.
★ Share usage across devices: Connect Android devices and other browsers to view website and mobile app usage in one place. The site-blocking is achieved by enabling. Use it with URLBlocklist to allow users to access specific URLs as exceptions to the URL blocklist. Block Site - Website Blocker for Chrome allows you to block specific websites based on user-defined parameters. Unset: Users can access all website URLs without restriction. Users can access all URLs except those that you block. ★ Digital profile: understand what kind of ads you're being shown and what websites are showing them. Prevent users from accessing a list of blocked URLs. ★ Website usage history: statistics of your daily usage history. 👪 spend quality time with family or yourself StayFree - Web Analytics & Screen Time Tracker helps you: ✔ Extremely fast and user-friendly interface ✔ We are now multi-platform! StayFree is the highest rated screen time & self control app on the Play Store StayFree provides analytics to help you understand how you are using the internet (daily website usage statistics), factors leading to distractions (such as advertisements you have seen), and focus your time by restricting the usage of distracting websites. StayFree - Web Analytics & Screen Time Tracker is an analytics, self control, productivity, and web addiction controller extension. Analytics to help you understand and control your website usage, leading to less distractions and enhanced productivity ✦ What is StayFree?